Papers on (.txt-file)
A decompression pipeline for accelerating out-of-core volume rendering of time-varying data
A Deep Generative Deconvolutional Image Model
A Deep Learning Approach for Automatic Code Optimization in the Tiramisu Compiler
A deep learning approach to autonomous lunar landing
A Deep Learning Based Cost Model for Automatic Code Optimization
A Deep Learning Model for Loop Interchange
A design case study: CPU vs. GPGPU vs. FPGA
A Design Framework for Mapping Dataflow Graphs onto Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Platforms
A Design Methodology for Efficient Implementation of Deconvolutional Neural Networks on an FPGA
A design pattern language for engineering (parallel) software: merging the PLPP and OPL projects
A design tool for efficient mapping of multimedia applications onto heterogeneous platforms
A Detailed GPU Cache Model Based on Reuse Distance Theory
A development of an accelerator board dedicated for multi-precision arithmetic operations and its application to Feynman loop integrals II
A Development Platform for Embedded Domain-Specific Languages
A directionally adaptive edge anti-aliasing filter
A Discussion of Selected Vienna-Libraries for Computational Science
A Distributed Approximation Algorithm for Mixed Packing-Covering Linear Programs
A Distributed Architecture for Smart Recycling Using Machine Learning
A distributed computing approach to improve the performance of the Parallel Ocean Program (v2.1)
A Distributed CPU-GPU Framework for Pairwise Alignments on Large-Scale Sequence Datasets
A Distributed Data Mining Framework Accelerated with Graphics Processing Units
A Distributed GPU-based Framework for real-time 3D Volume Rendering of Large Astronomical Data Cubes
A distributed multi-GPU system for high speed electron microscopic tomographic reconstruction
A Distributed-memory Tridiagonal Solver Based on a Specialised Data Structure Optimised for CPU and GPU Architectures
A Diversified Multi-Start Algorithm for Unconstrained Binary Quadratic Problems Leveraging the Graphics Processor Unit
A Domain Specific Approach to Heterogeneous Computing: From Availability to Accessibility
A Domain Specific Language for Performance Portable Molecular Dynamics Algorithms
A Domain-Extensible Compiler with Controllable Automation of Optimisations
A Domain-Specific Approach To Heterogeneous Parallelism
A Domain-Specific Language and Compiler for Stencil Computations on Short-Vector SIMD and GPU Architectures
A domain-specific language for geospatial computations on the GPU
A Domain-specific Language to Facilitate Software Defined Radio Parallel Executable Patterns Deployment on Heterogeneous Architectures
A Duality Based Approach for Realtime TV-L1 Optical Flow
A Dynamic Approach to Weighted Suffix Tree Construction Algorithm
A Dynamic Hash Table for the GPU
A Dynamic IP Lookup Architecture using Parallel Multiple Hash in GPU-based Software Router
A Dynamic Offload Scheduler for spatial multitasking on Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor
A Dynamic Programming Model To Solve Optimisation Problems Using GPUs
A Dynamic Resource Management System for Network-Attached Accelerator Clusters
A dynamic scheduling runtime and tuning system for heterogeneous multi and many-core desktop platforms
A dynamically configurable coprocessor for convolutional neural networks
A Fair Comparison of Modern CPUs and GPUs Running the Genetic Algorithm under the Knapsack Benchmark
A Fast 3D Spatial Analysis Technique Using Graphic Process Units
A Fast Algorithm for Constructing Inverted Files on Heterogeneous Platforms
A Fast and Accurate GHT Implementation on CUDA
A Fast and Efficient SIFT Detector Using the Mobile GPU
A Fast and Efficient Simulation Framework for Modeling Heat Transport
A Fast and Generic GPU-Based Parallel Reduction Implementation
A fast and intuitive visual programming language (VPL) for constructing Computer Vision and Image processing systems on GPUs
A Fast and Rigorously Parallel Surface Voxelization Technique for GPU-Accelerated CFD Simulations
A fast and robust seed flooding algorithm on GPU for Voronoi diagram generation
A Fast and Secure Way to Prevent SQL Injection Attacks using Bitslice Technique and GPU Support
A Fast and Simple Approach to Merge and Merge Sort using Wide Vector Instructions
A Fast Batched Cholesky Factorization on a GPU
A Fast GEMM Implementation On a Cypress GPU
A fast GEMM implementation on the cypress GPU
A fast GPU algorithm for graph connectivity
A Fast GPU Implementation for Solving Sparse Ill-Posed Linear Equation Systems
A fast GPU-based Monte Carlo simulation of proton transport with detailed modeling of non-elastic interactions
A Fast GPU-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm for H.264/AVC
A Fast GVF Snake Algorithm on the GPU
A Fast High Quality Pseudo Random Number Generator for Graphics Processing Units
A fast high quality pseudo random number generator for nVidia CUDA
A fast hybrid time-synchronous/event approach to parallel discrete event simulation of queuing networks
A Fast Implementation of Parallel Discrete-Event Simulation on GPGPU
A Fast Implementation of the Octagon Abstract Domain on Graphics Hardware
A Fast Jet Finder Algorithm Using Graphic Processing Unit
A fast marching method based back projection algorithm for photoacoustic tomography in heterogeneous media
A Fast Method For Computing Principal Curvatures From Range Images
A Fast Mixed-Band Lifting Wavelet Transform on the GPU
A Fast Parallel Implementation of Queue-based Morphological Reconstruction using GPUs
A Fast Poisson Solver with Periodic Boundary Conditions for GPU Clusters in Various Configurations
A Fast Similarity Join Algorithm Using Graphics Processing Units
A fast stereo matching algorithm suitable for embedded real-time systems
A fast Texture-by-numbers synthesis method based on texture optimization
A Fast, GPU based, Dictionary Attack to OpenPGP Secret Keyrings
A Feedback Approach to Task Partitioning in Heterogeneous Architectures
A Field Guide to Genetic Programming
A fight for performance and accuracy of the matrix multiplication routines: CUBLAS on Nvidia Tesla versus MKL and ATLAS on Intel Nehalem
A File System Using GPU-Accelerated File-wise Reliability Scheme
A Financial Benchmark for GPGPU Compilation
A Fine Grained Cycle Sharing System with Cooperative Multitasking on GPUs
A finite volume approach for the simulation of nonlinear dissipative acoustic wave propagation
A first look at integrated GPUs for green high-performance computing
A First Order Primal-Dual Algorithm for Nonconvex TV^q Regularization
A First Step Towards GPU-assisted Query Optimization
A Fixed-Complexity Sphere Decoder for MIMO Systems on Graphics Processing Units
A flexible algorithm for calculating pair interactions on SIMD architectures
A flexible high-performance Lattice Boltzmann GPU code for the simulations of fluid flows in complex geometries
A Flexible Kernel for Adaptive Mesh Refinement on GPU
A Flexible Multi-Volume Shader Framework for Arbitrarily Intersecting Multi-Resolution Datasets
A Flexible Patch-Based Lattice Boltzmann Parallelization Approach for Heterogeneous GPU-CPU Clusters
A flexible simulation framework for graphics architectures
A fluid simulation system based on the MPS method
A Foray into Efficient Mapping of Algorithms to Hardware Platforms on Heterogeneous Systems
A Framework for 3D Model-Based Visual Tracking Using a GPU-Accelerated Particle Filter
A Framework for Automated Generation of Specialized Function Variants
A Framework for Automated Performance Tuning and Code Verification on GPU Computing Platforms
A Framework for Automatic OpenMP Code Generation
Titles: 100
open PDFs: 91
packages: 14