
Dec, 14

gProximity: Hierarchical GPU-based Operations for Collision and Distance Queries

We present novel parallel algorithms for collision detection and separation distance computation for rigid and deformable models that exploit the computational capabilities of many-core GPUs. Our approach uses thread and data parallelism to perform fast hierarchy construction, updating, and traversal using tight-fitting bounding volumes such as oriented bounding boxes (OBB) and rectangular swept spheres (RSS). […]
Dec, 14

Fast Ray Sorting and Breadth-First Packet Traversal for GPU Ray Tracing

We present a novel approach to ray tracing execution on commodity graphics hardware using CUDA. We decompose a standard ray tracing algorithm into several data-parallel stages that are mapped efficiently to the massively parallel architecture of modern GPUs. These stages include: ray sorting into coherent packets, creation of frustums for packets, breadth-first frustum traversal through […]
Dec, 14

GPU-Based Spherical Light Field Rendering with Per-Fragment Depth Correction

Image-based rendering techniques are a powerful alternative to traditional polygon-based computer graphics. This paper presents a novel light field rendering technique which performs per-pixel depth correction of rays for high-quality reconstruction. Our technique stores combined RGB and depth values in a parabolic 2D texture for every light field sample acquired at discrete positions on a […]
Dec, 14

High Performance GPU-based Proximity Queries using Distance Fields

Proximity queries such as closest point computation and collision detection have many applications in computer graphics, including computer animation, physics-based modelling, augmented and virtual reality. We present efficient algorithms for proximity queries between a closed rigid object and an arbitrary, possibly deformable, polygonal mesh. Using graphics hardware to densely sample the distance field of the […]
Dec, 14

Coherence aware GPU-based ray casting for virtual colonoscopy

In this paper, we propose a GPU-based volume ray casting for virtual colonoscopy to generate high-quality rendering images with a large screen size. Using the temporal coherence for ray casting, the empty space leaping can be efficiently done by reprojecting first-hit points of the previous frame; however, these approaches could produce artifacts such as holes […]
Dec, 14

Fast Isosurface Rendering on a GPU by Cell Rasterization

This paper presents a fast, high-quality, GPU-based isosurface rendering pipeline for implicit surfaces defined by a regular volumetric grid. GPUs are designed primarily for use with polygonal primitives, rather than volume primitives, but here we directly treat each volume cell as a single rendering primitive by designing a vertex program and fragment program on a […]
Dec, 14

Fast GPU-based Adaptive Tessellation with CUDA

Compact surface descriptions like higher-order surfaces are popular representations for both modeling and animation. However, for fast graphics-hardware-assisted rendering, they usually need to be converted to triangle meshes. In this paper, we introduce a new framework for performing on-the-fly crack-free adaptive tessellation of surface primitives completely on the GPU. Utilizing CUDA and its flexible memory […]
Dec, 14

GPU-based real-time acoustical occlusion modeling

In typical environments, the direct path between a sound source and a listener is often occluded. However, due to the phenomenon of diffraction, sound still reaches the listener by “bending” around an obstacle that lies directly in the line of straight propagation. Modeling occlusion/diffraction effects is a difficult and computationally intensive task and thus generally […]
Dec, 14

Parallel garment drape simulation of triangular mesh using GPU programming

PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to determine the possibility of implementing parallel processing feature of graphic processor unit (GPU) in garment drape simulation. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Velocity-Verlet method based on explicit integration is used to drape triangular table cloth meshes. Both drape simulation and collision detection engines are converted to GPU version. Simulation speeds of […]
Dec, 14

Real-Time Concurrent Linked List Construction on the GPU

We introduce a method to dynamically construct highly concurrent linked lists on modern graphics processors. Once constructed, these data structures can be used to implement a host of algorithms useful in creating complex rendering effects in real time. We present a straightforward way to create these linked lists using generic atomic operations available in APIs […]
Dec, 14

GPU Rendering of Relief Mapped Conical Frusta

This paper proposes to use relief-mapped conical frusta (cones cut by planes) to skin skeletal objects. Based on this representation, current programmable graphics hardware can perform the rendering with only minimal communication between the CPU and GPU. A consistent definition of conical frusta including texture parametrization and a continuous surface normal is provided. Rendering is […]
Dec, 14

GPU-Assisted High Quality Particle Rendering

Visualizing dynamic participating media in particle form by fully solving equations from the light transport theory is a computationally very expensive process. In this paper, we present a computational pipeline for particle volume rendering that is easily accelerated by the current GPU. To fully harness its massively parallel computing power, we transform input particles into […]

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