Andrew Kerr
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Jose Unpingco, Juan Carlos Chaves
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James Laurence Brock
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Luca Caucci
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M. G. Sanchez, V. Vidal, J. Bataller, G. Verdu
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Juan Gomez-Luna, Jose Maria Gonzalez-Linares, Jose Ignacio Benavides, Nicolas Guil
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Weizhi Xu, Zhiyong Liu, Dongrui Fan, Shuai Jiao, Xiaochun Ye, Fenglong Song, Chenggang Yan
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P. Anders, H. Baumgardt, E. Gaburov, S. Portegies Zwart
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Jose Duato, Antonio J. Pena, Federico Silla, Juan C. Fernandez, Rafael Mayo, Enrique S. Quintana-Orti
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Sergio Sanchez, Abel Paz, Gabriel Martin, Antonio Plaza
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Janusz Bedkowski, Andrzej Maslowski
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Alexandru Pirjan
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