Tags: Computer science, Computer vision, nVidia, nVidia GeForce GTX 1060, nVidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti, nVidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti, nVidia Quadro 1000 M, OpenCL, Stereo vision
Tags: Computer science, CUDA, nVidia, nVidia Quadro 1000 M, OpenCL, Pthreads, Thesis
Tags: Algorithms, Biometrics, CUDA, Image processing, nVidia, nVidia Quadro 1000 M, Thesis
Tags: Computer science, CUDA, Heterogeneous systems, Metaheuristics, nVidia, nVidia Quadro 1000 M
Tags: ARM, CUDA, Energy-efficient computing, Image processing, nVidia, nVidia GeForce GTX 480, nVidia Quadro 1000 M, Tesla K20
Tags: Benchmarking, Computer science, Computer vision, CUDA, DSP, FPGA, Image processing, nVidia, nVidia GeForce GTX 660 Ti, nVidia Quadro 1000 M, OpenCV, Performance, Thesis
Tags: Algorithms, Fluid dynamics, Lattice Boltzmann model, nVidia, nVidia Quadro 1000 M, Optimization, Thesis
Tags: Algorithms, Computer science, CUDA, nVidia, nVidia Quadro 1000 M, Security
Tags: Biology, Medicine, nVidia, nVidia GeForce GTX 470, nVidia Quadro 1000 M, OpenCL
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