Papers on (.txt-file)
Computational investigation of intense short-wavelength laser interaction with rare gas clusters
Computational kinetics of a large scale biological process on GPU workstations: DNA bending
Computational modeling of synthetic microbial biofilms
Computational Modelling of Galaxy Formation using FLAME GPU
Computational Optimization of a Time-Domain Beamforming Algorithm Using CPU and GPU
Computational Performance Predictions for Deep Neural Network Training: A Runtime-Based Approach
Computational Physics on Graphics Processing Units
Computational Simulation of Freely Falling Water Droplets on Graphics Processing Units
Computational stereo camera system with programmable control loop
Computational wave optics library for C++: CWO++ library
Computationally Efficient Algorithms for Evaluation of Statistical Descriptors
Computationally Efficient Implementation of a Hamming Code Decoder using a Graphics Processing Unit
Computationally Efficient Tsunami Modelling on Graphics Processing Units (GPU)
Compute Distance Matrices with GPU
Compute Pairwise Manhattan Distance and Pearson Correlation Coefficient of Data Points with GPU
Compute Unified Device Architecture Application Suitability
Compute units in OpenMP: Extensions for heterogeneous parallel programming
Compute-unified device architecture implementation of a block-matching algorithm for multiple graphical processing unit cards
Computer Finit-Difference Time-Domain Simulation of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation using GPUs
Computer Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulation of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation using GPUs
Computer generated holography using parallel commodity graphics hardware
Computer Graphics: From Pixels to Programmable Graphics Hardware
Computer Simulation of Dark Matter Effects on Galaxy Rotation
Computer Simulation of Saturn’s Ring Structure
Computer Tomography and Ultrasonography Image Registration Based on the Cooperation of GPU and CPU
Computer Vision Accelerators for Mobile Systems based on OpenCL GPGPU Co-Processing
Computer Vision and Image Segmentation Implemented on GPU Using Compute Unified Device Architecture as Applied on Quality Inspection of Pre-etched Printed Circuit Board
Computer Vision Application in Graphic Processors
Computer vision based geometric calibration in curved multi-projector displays
Computer vision for continuous plankton monitoring
Computer Vision Models in Surveillance Robotics
Computer Vision on the GPU — Tools, Algorithms and Frameworks
Computer vision signal processing on graphics processing units
Computer-Generated Marbling Textures: A GPU-Based Design System
Computing 2D Alpha Shapes Using GPU
Computing Best Possible Pseudo-Solutions to Interval Linear Systems of Equations
Computing dynamics of thin films via large scale GPU-based simulations
Computing finite models using free Boolean generators
Computing High Resolution Explicit Corridor Maps using Parallel Technologies
Computing least squares condition numbers on hybrid multicore/GPU systems
Computing Nash Equilibria in Bimatrix Games: GPU-based Parallel Support Enumeration
Computing of high breakdown regression estimators without sorting on graphics processing units
Computing on Knights and Kepler Architectures
Computing OpenSURF on OpenCL and General Purpose GPU
Computing optical flow using fast total variation
Computing Optimal Cycle Mean in Parallel on CUDA
Computing Performance Benchmarks among CPU, GPU, and FPGA
Computing Prestack Kirchhoff Time Migration on General Purpose GPU
Computing Privacy-Preserving Edit Distance and Smith-Waterman Problems on the GPU Architecture
Computing Reachable Sets via Barrier Methods on SIMD Architectures
Computing resultants on Graphics Processing Units: Towards GPU-accelerated computer algebra
Computing room acoustics with CUDA – 3D FDTD schemes with boundary losses and viscosity
Computing room acoustics with CUDA-3D FDTD schemes with boundary losses and viscosity
Computing Spatial Distance Histograms for Large Scientific Datasets On-the-Fly
Computing Spectral Transforms Used in Digital Logic on the GPU
Computing spike-based convolutions on GPUs
Computing Strongly Connected Components in Parallel on CUDA
Computing Strongly Connected Components with CUDA
Computing the distance between two finite element solutions defined on different 3D meshes on a GPU
Computing the Mertens function on a GPU
Computing Treewidth on the GPU
Computing trends using graphic processor in high energy physics
Computing virtual acoustics using the 3D finite difference time domain method and Kepler architecture GPUs
Computitional intensive Tasks in Multimedia Signal Processing
Compyle: a Python package for parallel computing
Concurrency Mapping to FPGAs with OpenCL: A Case Study with a Shallow Water Kernel
Concurrent Algorithms and Data Structures for Many-Core Processors
Concurrent Analytical Query Processing with GPUs
Concurrent CPU-GPU Task Programming using Modern C++
Concurrent kernel execution on Graphic Processing Units
Concurrent learning of a Probabilistic Graphical Model on the GPU
Concurrent Manipulation of Dynamic Data Structures in OpenCL
Concurrent Number Cruncher: An Efficient Sparse Linear Solver on the GPU
Concurrent query processing in a GPU-based database system
Concurrent Solutions to Linear Systems using Hybrid CPU/GPU Nodes
Concurrent Task Execution on the Intel Xeon Phi
Conditional component composition for GPU-based systems
Cone-beam Computed tomography image reconstruction based on GPU
Confidential Computing on Heterogeneous Systems: Survey and Implications
Confidentiality Issues on a GPU in a Virtualized Environment
Configuration and Benchmarks of Peer-to-Peer Communication over Gigabit Ethernet and InfiniBand in a Cluster with Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessors
Conflux: Embedding Massively Parallel Semantics in a High-Level Programming Language
Conjugate gradient solvers on Intel Xeon Phi and NVIDIA GPUs
Connected component identification and cluster update on GPU
Connected component labeling on a 2D grid using CUDA
Connected-component identification and cluster update on graphics processing units
Connecting Architecture, Fitness, Optimizations and Performance using an Anisotropic Diffusion Filter
Connectivity-Based Segmentation for GPU-Accelerated Mesh Decompression
Considerations when evaluating microprocessor platforms
Considering GPGPU for HPC Centers: Is It Worth the Effort?
Consolidating Applications for Energy Efficiency in Heterogeneous Computing Systems
Constrained inverse volume rendering for planetary nebulae
Constructing Long Short-Term Memory based Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition
Constructing Natural Neighbor Interpolation Based Grid DEM Using CUDA
Constructing Two-Dimensional Voronoi Diagrams via Divide-and-Conquer of Envelopes in Space
Constructing Two-Dimensional Voronoi Diagrams via Divide-and-Conquer of Envelopes in Space (thesis)
Titles: 100
open PDFs: 98
packages: 12