Papers on (.txt-file)
Fast Estimation of Gaussian Mixture Model Parameters on GPU using CUDA
Fast Evaluation of GP Trees on GPGPU by Optimizing Hardware Scheduling
Fast evaluation of Helmholtz potential on graphics processing units (GPUs)
Fast evolutionary image processing using Multi-GPUs
Fast Exact Bayesian Inference for High-Dimensional Models
Fast Exact Hyper-Graph Matching with Dynamic Programming for Spatio-Temporal Data
Fast Exact String Matching on the GPU
Fast exhaustive search for polynomial systems in F2
Fast Exhaustive Search for Quadratic Systems in F2 on FPGAs – Extended Version
Fast extraction of neuron morphologies from large-scale SBFSEM image stacks
Fast Face Detection Using Graphics Processor
Fast face recognition approach using a graphical processing unit (GPU)
Fast face tracking using parallel particle filter algorithm
Fast Feature Selection in a GPU Cluster Using the Delta Test
Fast Finite Solar Radiation Pressure Model Integration Using OpenGL
Fast fluid dynamics simulation on the GPU
Fast forwarding table lookup exploiting GPU memory architecture
Fast Fourier Transforms over Prime Fields of Large Characteristic and their Implementation on Graphics Processing Units
Fast free-form deformation using graphics processing units
Fast Frequent Itemset Mining from Uncertain Databases using GPGPU
Fast gain-adaptive KLT tracking on the GPU
Fast Galactic Structure Finding using Graphics Processing Units
Fast Gather-based Construction of Stereoscopic Images Using Reprojection
Fast generating of a digital hologram using general-purpose computation on graphics processing units
Fast Genetic Programming and Artificial Developmental Systems on GPUs
Fast Genetic Programming on GPUs
Fast Global Illumination for Interactive Volume Visualization
Fast GPGPU Data Rearrangement Kernels using CUDA
Fast GPGPU-Based Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication
Fast GPU bounding boxes on tree-structured scenes
Fast GPU Garment Simulation and Collision Detection
Fast GPU implementation of large scale dictionary and sparse representation based vision problems
Fast GPU Implementation of Sparse Signal Recovery from Random Projections
Fast GPU-based Adaptive Tessellation with CUDA
Fast GPU-Based Automatic Time Gain Compensation for Ultrasound Imaging
Fast GPU-based calculations in few-body quantum scattering
Fast GPU-Based CT Reconstruction using the Common Unified Device Architecture (CUDA)
Fast GPU-based fluid simulations using SPH
Fast GPU-based image warping and inpainting for frame interpolation
Fast Gpu-Based Interpolation for SAR Backprojection
Fast GPU-based Locality Sensitive Hashing for K-Nearest Neighbor Computation
Fast GPU-based normal map generation for simplified models
Fast GPU-Based Seismogram Simulation from Microseismic Events in Marine Environments Using Heterogeneous Velocity Models
Fast GPU-based space-time correlation for activity recognition in video sequences
Fast Graph Cuts using Shrink-Expand Reparameterization
Fast Greeks: Case of Credit Valuation Adjustments
Fast Gunrock Subgraph Matching (GSM) on GPUs
Fast Hair Simulation and Rendering Using CUDA and OpenGL
Fast Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Using GPU Computing
Fast Hardware-Accelerated Volume Rendering of CT Scans
Fast High-Quality Volume Ray Casting with Virtual Samplings
Fast Histograms using Adaptive CUDA Streams
Fast hough transform on GPUs: exploration of algorithm trade-offs
Fast Human Detection with Cascaded Ensembles
Fast Human Detection with Cascaded Ensembles on the GPU
Fast Hydraulic and Thermal Erosion on GPU
Fast Hydraulic Erosion Simulation and Visualization on GPU
Fast hydrodynamics on heterogenous many-core hardware
Fast hyperbolic Radon transform represented as convolutions in log-polar coordinates
Fast Image Alignment with Fourier Moment Matching on GPU
Fast Image Processing with Embedded Microprocessors
Fast Image Scanning with Deep Max-Pooling Convolutional Neural Networks
Fast imaging by a single-slice-detector helical CT
Fast Implementation of DGEMM on Fermi GPU
Fast implementation of fully iterative scatter corrected OSEM for HRRT using GPU
Fast Implementation of Scale Invariant Feature Transform Based on CUDA
Fast Implementation of Two Hash Algorithms on nVidia CUDA GPU
Fast implementation of Wyner-Ziv Video codec using GPGPU
Fast in-place sorting with CUDA based on bitonic sort
Fast inference of deep neural networks in FPGAs for particle physics
Fast interpolated cameras by combining a GPU based plane sweep with a max-flow regularisation algorithm
Fast Isosurface Rendering on a GPU by Cell Rasterization
Fast JND-Based Video Carving With GPU Acceleration for Real-Time Video Retargeting
Fast k Nearest Neighbor Search using GPU
Fast k-NNG construction with GPU-based quick multi-select
Fast K-selection Algorithms for Graphics Processing Units
Fast Katsevich Algorithm Based on GPU for Helical Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
Fast Knowledge Graph Completion using Graphics Processing Units
Fast LBP Face Detection on low-power SIMD architectures
Fast Level Set Segmentation of Biomedical Images using Graphics Processing Units
Fast Locality Sensitive Hashing for Beam Search on GPU
Fast locally consistent dense stereo on multicore
Fast LZW compression using a GPU
Fast Makespan Estimation for GPU Threads on a Single Streaming Multiprocessor
Fast matrix multiplies using graphics hardware
Fast Merge Tree Computation via SYCL
Fast Mersenne prime testing on the GPU
Fast minimum spanning tree for large graphs on the GPU
Fast Monte Carlo Simulation for Patient-specific CT/CBCT Imaging Dose Calculation
Fast Morphological Image Processing on GPU using CUDA
Fast Morphological Image Processing Open-Source Extensions for GPU processing with CUDA
Fast motion detection from airborne videos using graphics processing unit
Fast Motion Estimation on Graphics Hardware for H.264 Video Encoding
Fast MPEG-CDVS Encoder with GPU-CPU Hybrid Computing
Fast Multidimensional Image Processing with OpenCL
Fast Multipole Method vs. Spectral Method for the Simulation of Isotropic Turbulence on GPUs
Fast Multipole Methods and High Performance Computing
Fast multipole methods on a cluster of GPUs for the meshless simulation of turbulence
Titles: 100
open PDFs: 85
packages: 20