Peter Izsak, Moshe Berchansky, Omer Levy
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Deepak Narayanan, Mohammad Shoeybi, Jared Casper, Patrick LeGresley, Mostofa Patwary, Vijay Korthikanti, Dmitri Vainbrand, Prethvi Kashinkunti, Julie Bernauer, Bryan Catanzaro, Amar Phanishayee, Matei Zaharia
Yuhan Liu, Saurabh Agarwal, Shivaram Venkataraman
Yao Wan, Yang He, Jian-Guo Zhang, Yulei Sui, Hai Jin, Guandong Xu, Caiming Xiong, Philip S. Yu
Yatin Chaudhary, Pankaj Gupta, Khushbu Saxena, Vivek Kulkarni, Thomas Runkler, Hinrich Schütze
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Yi-Te Hsu, Sarthak Garg, Yi-Hsiu Liao, Ilya Chatsviorkin
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Jeff Heaton
Yuhao Zhang, Yuhui Zhang, Peng Qi, Christopher D. Manning, Curtis P. Langlotz
Nikolay Banar, Walter Daelemans, Mike Kestemont
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Abhishek Shivkumar, Jack Weston, Raphael Lenain, Emil Fristed
Kevin Clark, Minh-Thang Luong, Quoc V. Le, Christopher D. Manning
Ke Tran
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