Papers on hgpu.org (.txt-file)

A Study on the Acceleration of Arrival Curve Construction and Regular Specification Mining using GPUs Download

A Study on the Intersection of GPU Utilization and CNN Inference Download

A Summary of Recent GPU Developments and Key Enabling Technologies for Digital Media Applications

A Superresolution Framework for High-Accuracy Multiview Reconstruction Download

A Survey Of Architectural Approaches for Data Compression in Cache and Main Memory Systems Download

A Survey Of Architectural Approaches for Managing Embedded DRAM and Non-volatile On-chip Caches Download

A Survey of Architectural Techniques For DRAM Power Management Download

A Survey of Architectural Techniques For Improving Cache Power Efficiency Download

A Survey Of Architectural Techniques for Managing Process Variation Download

A Survey Of Architectural Techniques for Near-Threshold Computing Download

A Survey of Big Data, High Performance Computing, and Machine Learning Benchmarks Download

A survey of BRDF models for computer graphics

A Survey of Cache Bypassing Techniques Download

A Survey of Cache Partitioning Techniques for Multicore Processors Download

A Survey of Cloud Lighting and Rendering Techniques Download

A Survey of Cloud-Based GPU Threats and Their Impact on AI, HPC, and Cloud Computing Download

A Survey of Convolutional Neural Networks on Edge with Reconfigurable Computing Download

A Survey of CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Computing Techniques Download

A Survey of CUDA-based Multidimensional Scaling on GPU Architecture Download

A Survey of Deep Learning Library Testing Methods Download

A Survey of FPGA Based Deep Learning Accelerators: Challenges and Opportunities Download

A Survey of FPGA Based Neural Network Accelerator Download

A Survey of FPGA-based Accelerators for Convolutional Neural Networks Download

A Survey of General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware Download

A Survey of General-purpose Polyhedral Compilers Download Package

A survey of GPU-based medical image computing techniques Download

A Survey of Machine Learning for Computer Architecture and Systems Download

A survey of medical image registration on graphics hardware

A Survey of Medical Image Registration on Multicore and the GPU Download

A Survey of Methods For Analyzing and Improving GPU Energy Efficiency Download

A Survey of Neural Computation on Graphics Processing Hardware Download

A survey of point-based techniques in computer graphics Download

A Survey of Power Management Techniques for Phase Change Memory Download

A Survey of Recent Prefetching Techniques for Processor Caches Download

A Survey of ReRAM-based Architectures for Processing-in-memory and Neural Networks Download

A Survey of Soft-Error Mitigation Techniques for Non-Volatile Memories Download

A Survey of Software Techniques for Using Non-Volatile Memories for Storage and Main Memory Systems Download

A survey of sparse matrix-vector multiplication performance on large matrices Download

A Survey of System Architectures and Techniques for FPGA Virtualization Download

A Survey Of Techniques for Approximate Computing Download

A Survey Of Techniques for Architecting and Managing Asymmetric Multicore Processors Download

A Survey of Techniques for Architecting and Managing GPU Register File Download

A Survey Of Techniques for Architecting DRAM Caches Download

A Survey of Techniques for Architecting Processor Components using Domain Wall Memory Download

A Survey of Techniques for Architecting SLC/MLC/TLC Hybrid Flash Memory based SSDs Download

A Survey of Techniques for Architecting TLBs Download

A Survey Of Techniques for Cache Locking Download

A Survey of Techniques for Designing and Managing CPU Register File Download

A Survey of Techniques for Dynamic Branch Prediction Download

A Survey of Techniques For Improving Energy Efficiency in Embedded Computing Systems Download

A Survey of Techniques for Improving Security of GPUs Download

A Survey of Techniques for Improving Security of Non-volatile Memories Download

A Survey Of Techniques for Managing and Leveraging Caches in GPUs Download

A Survey of Techniques for Modeling and Improving Reliability of Computing Systems Download

A Survey on Agent-based Simulation using Hardware Accelerators Download

A Survey on Compiler Autotuning using Machine Learning Download

A Survey on Design Methodologies for Accelerating Deep Learning on Heterogeneous Architectures Download

A Survey on Evaluating and Optimizing Performance of Intel Xeon Phi Download

A Survey on GPU System Considering its Performance on Different Applications Download

A survey on graphic processing unit computing for large-scale data mining Download

A Survey on Hardware Accelerators for Large Language Models Download

A Survey on Optimization Techniques for Edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) Download

A Survey on Optimized Implementation of Deep Learning Models on the NVIDIA Jetson Platform Download

A Survey On Parallelization Of Data Mining Techniques Download

A survey on various computationally intensive parallel applications in High performance Computing System with OpenCL-MPI Download

A Survey Paper on Solving TSP using Ant Colony Optimization on GPU Download

A Switched Dynamical System Framework for Analysis of Massively Parallel Asynchronous Numerical Algorithms Download

A Symbolic Emulator for Shuffle Synthesis on the NVIDIA PTX Code Download Package

A symbolic verifier for CUDA programs Download

A Synchronization-Free Algorithm for Parallel Sparse Triangular Solves Download Package

A System for Capturing, Rendering and Multiplexing Images on Multi-view Autostereoscopic Display

A Systematic Literature Survey of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication Download

A systematic performance study of the parallel programming framework SkePU 3 using HPC-benchmarks Download Package

A Systematic Survey of General Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication Download

A Task Parallel Algorithm for Computing the Costs of All-Pairs Shortest Paths on the CUDA-Compatible GPU Download

A Task-centric Memory Model for Scalable Accelerator Architectures Download

A task-driven implementation of a simple numerical solver for hyperbolic conservation laws Download

A taxonomy of accelerator architectures and their programming models

A TBB-CUDA Implementation for Background Removal in a video-based Fire Detection System Download

A Template Metaprogramming Approach to Support Parallel Programs for Multicores Download Package

A Tensor Compiler for Unified Machine Learning Prediction Serving Download Package

A Test Drive of the NVIDIA Jetson TX1 Developer Kit for Deep Learning and Computer Vision Applications Download

A tile-based parallel Viterbi algorithm for biological sequence alignment on GPU with CUDA Download

A Time Optimal Parallel Algorithm for the Dynamic Programming on the Hierarchical Memory Machine Download

A time-energy performance analysis of MapReduce on heterogeneous systems with GPUs Download

A Tool for Automatic Suggestions for Irregular GPU Kernel Optimization Download

A Tool for Automatically Suggesting Source-Code Optimizations for Complex GPU Kernels Download

A Tool for Interactive Parallelization Download

A tool for mapping Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms using Graphics Processing Units Download Package

A tool set for random number generation on GPUs in R Download Package

A Toolkit for Building Dynamic Compilers for Array-Based Languages Targeting CPUs and GPUs Download Package

A toolkit to describe and interactively display three-manifolds embedded in four-space Download

A Training Framework and Architectural Design for Distributed Deep Learning Download Package

A training roadmap for new HPC users Download

A training-free nose tip detection method from face range images

A Translation Framework for Executing the Sequential Binary Code on CPU/GPU Based Architectures Download

A Translation Framework from RVC-CAL Dataflow Programs to OpenCL/SYCL based Implementations Download

A translation system for enabling data mining applications on GPUs Download

A translator framework for Dynamic Programming problems Download

A trigger system based on Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)


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